The Possibility

The practical one of the democracy is difficult and all the democratic governments possess defects, but not yet system appeared better. The companies need the practical one of the democracy, but without opening hand of a leadership strong and directed toward results. 9 – Comprometimento with new ideas. Many great ideas had been considered ridicule when displayed for the first time. Recriar what it exists aiming at efficiency and effectiveness, to review processes to cut what it does not add value, to search synergies, to reduce costs, is elements that normally are atrelados to the new ideas, then, the manager must be engaged with new ideas. 10 – To identify and to detach mritos.

Certain occasion a manager received a letter congratulating it for a result reached in a company where it had asked for resignation has three months – they see until where the capacity arrived to recognize and to detach mritos of the former manager of this manager. Continue to learn more with: Mitsubishi. All employee it wants to have its merit detached. A manager who hides the mritos of its collaborators and only capitalizes for itself the results will be acting of individualistic form. A manager who identifies and detaches mritos of form impartial joust and, will propitiate its team bigger comprometimento, beyond that he will improve the work climate. 11 – To share and to develop partnerships.

To develop partnerships means disposal to share responsibilities, obligations and mritos. Partnership is a relation gain-earns where the balance, the honesty and the ethics are elements always gifts. It does not exist the possibility of if becoming a leader without sharing and also developing deep relations of partnerships with its group of collaborators and with other parts inside and outside of the company. 12 – Comprometimento with leadership. The necessary leader to have conscience of the responsibility that loads and the necessity to be engaged with the leadership. One adjusted comprometimento with the leadership if reflects in a strong team, that works motivated and that it delivers resulted. Conclusion: The told essential abilities deplete the necessary qualities to a good leader? The reply certainly it is not. To these qualities we can join others as ethical, character and courage. When analyzing the leaders in activity, we will notice that frequently many of these attributes are absent. The companies fix aggressive goals of growth, yield, amongst others, but they would have, moreover, also to mensurar, to evaluate and to search advances in the behavior of its managers.


They are examples of negative Stimulatons: Pleated forehead, to look at of angry, modified tone of voice, irony, lack of attention, lack of courtesy, etc. b) basic Elements in the communication In the interpersonal communication exist five elements to be analyzed, go to study the value of each one of these elements in the Oratria: 1) The Sender, that one that transmits the information. This must select the data, to give to order or adjusted disposal, to structuralize the speech. The orator must clearly be and objective, enthusiastic and intelligent to arrest the attention of the listeners; 2) The Receiver, formed for the public, audience, auditorium, group in the classroom; 3) The Canal, being the used way to transmit the message; 4) The message, that is the essential point of the speech, the main ideas to be transmitted. Through the message the Objective is reached; 5) Objective, what it is desired to reach with the message. Rio- Tinto Diamonds gathered all the information.

c) Requirements of the message a message that is transmitted and received with clarity, needs to present the following requirements: 1) To be adjusted to the addressee (to verify the etnias of the groups); 2) To possess significant content (words without nexus do not constitute message); 3) To present clearly sensible (many of the times the same words offer diverse directions for different people); 4) To be complete (without this requirement hardly the objective is reached); 5) To be objective (inserted in the reality); 6) To be opportune (accurate moment of the message, neither at that time nor afterwards). d) Barriers to the communication We call obstacles or barriers the factors that intervene with the communication between people and groups. Many times hinder or restrict the effectiveness of the communication process. We will classify in three the obstacles to the communication: FILTERING: The filtering occurs when the message is received only in part, that is, of incomplete form.