If you look for a way of how to make money online, by far, the best product to sell in the network is a computer product of the type ” hagalo You mismo” or ” like doing “. These types of products, offer to you but ample margins of gain of the market, are easy to send, they always have much demand and is easy to find material to produce them you yourself. I am going to concentrate in information products or manuals because I believe that they are easy to create and to sell. But that is a personal opinion According to realised studies of market at international level, the different results are something: they are located in the first places of sale software, hardware and the games for computers or consoles, generally follow books of all type and music to him. Or some experts in marketing, aconsejarian to look for a market that has a problem or specific necessity soon and a product or service that solves that problem or necessity. And if that is the best form to begin the search of your product, but I must admit that she is one of the difficult forms but. So we will make something different: What is the area in which your best one you evolve? perhaps the development of a book that details your experience in some specific field and that people generally this interesting in acquiring.
Everybody wants to learn since to do something by its account. Your you do not have because to be an experienced writer to be able to write an informative manual (info-book). It is sufficient whereupon you know a little but that the majority of people in a field in particular, so that estes enabled to write an electronic manual that people querra to acquire without doubting it. Then we suppose that you have chosen e-book. This type of manuals (since to do ) they are sold very well in Internet. I am not speaking of books of drama or science-fiction, although these are not a bad alternative either. Permiteme explicarte the difference between a pamphlet, a manual and a book.
A pamphlet has between 10 and 30 pages, a manual between 50 and 100 pages and a book have but of 150 pages. If these writing some of them and these you limit between them between both, simply it adds but information to happen to the siguente level. This podria to be a way of how to make money by Interner, but are many but, that seran commented in another article.