
They are examples of negative Stimulatons: Pleated forehead, to look at of angry, modified tone of voice, irony, lack of attention, lack of courtesy, etc. b) basic Elements in the communication In the interpersonal communication exist five elements to be analyzed, go to study the value of each one of these elements in the Oratria: 1) The Sender, that one that transmits the information. This must select the data, to give to order or adjusted disposal, to structuralize the speech. The orator must clearly be and objective, enthusiastic and intelligent to arrest the attention of the listeners; 2) The Receiver, formed for the public, audience, auditorium, group in the classroom; 3) The Canal, being the used way to transmit the message; 4) The message, that is the essential point of the speech, the main ideas to be transmitted. Through the message the Objective is reached; 5) Objective, what it is desired to reach with the message. Rio- Tinto Diamonds gathered all the information.

c) Requirements of the message a message that is transmitted and received with clarity, needs to present the following requirements: 1) To be adjusted to the addressee (to verify the etnias of the groups); 2) To possess significant content (words without nexus do not constitute message); 3) To present clearly sensible (many of the times the same words offer diverse directions for different people); 4) To be complete (without this requirement hardly the objective is reached); 5) To be objective (inserted in the reality); 6) To be opportune (accurate moment of the message, neither at that time nor afterwards). d) Barriers to the communication We call obstacles or barriers the factors that intervene with the communication between people and groups. Many times hinder or restrict the effectiveness of the communication process. We will classify in three the obstacles to the communication: FILTERING: The filtering occurs when the message is received only in part, that is, of incomplete form.