Today, there are a whole lot of solutions. This article will discuss the three most ubiquitous in the world and Russia, their benefits, features. Program for drawing on the computer that I paid attention – this is AutoCad, Compass and NanoCad. And now More details about each of them. 1.
AutoCad Manufacturer – AutoDesk. => The solution is perfect for architects, builders and all allied health professionals. The most experienced program, the age of almost 30 years. In addition to buildings and engineering systems, and in AutoCAD You can draw other things (such as mechanisms for details). In this case the negative – the absence of libraries of standard parts of the Manufacturer – ASCON, Russia. => The solution is well suited for engineers who design mechanisms, machine parts, assemblies (with taking into account the Russian standards). Comes in two versions: Compass Chart – for two-dimensional design. It is also fully functional as AutoCad. Kompas-3D – solution for three-dimensional modeling. Plus Compass – if you draw details assembly units of machines, etc. – you can use the supplied library of standard parts for the Russian guests. (Eg, bolts, nuts, pins, nodes). Good options for downloading – the sea. Enter a search engine, “Kompas 3D Download “or” compass chart download. ” 3. NanoCad. => The decision is good because it has special separate branches – for electricians, for low-voltage systems, for planning. nanoCAD – a very young Russian is a freely available basic CAD platform for different industries. This solution contains the basic design tools, intuitive interface, and support for formats of drawings from AutoCad. If you think, that go from AutoCAD, then NanoCad – one of the nice solutions. For example, those who design systems and fire alarm system, they can choose NanoCad OPS.