It fits to detach, that the research made possible to identify by means of the stories that the professors of the initial series of Basic Ensino are not made familiar to the new technologies gifts in the school, that is, does not use them for ‘ ‘ medo’ ‘ to dare, to work a content considered for definitive series in different, attractive and diversified way, since they are available technological resources in the school. Also we cannot leave of speaking on the necessity to develop sufficient activities so that this ‘ ‘ medo’ ‘ either surpassed, having more qualifications for the educators. In elapsing of the activities developed for the pupils of 5 year of Basic Ensino, was possible to perceive beyond the anxiety and devotion of the pupils to work in the STE the HQs through educative software HagQu, the interest of some professors for the activities that were being developed, since the interest of the pupils was bigger in comparison the activities carried through in classroom. Some difficulties in the accomplishment of the activities had been detected, as: for not possessing computer in its residences, some pupils did not dominate its use, however, with passing of the lessons they had been interacting with some colleagues and the teacher of the STE to cure some referring difficulties to the HagQu and the manuscript of the computer and its tools. Another fact that deserves prominence, says respect to the ortogrficas lack of domain in relation to the writing and agreements, since, presented difficulties in producing and interpreting texts. If you would like to know more then you should visit Pemco. In synthesis, it can be said that the project showed the possibility of if working a content in diversified ways, that was possible to awake in the pupils the interest for the reading and writing.
These constataes had demonstrated that the use of HagQu software it contributed to improve the learning of the pupils in what the creation says respect, interpretation reading of texts by means of histories in quadrinhos. REFERENCES CALAZANS, Flvio. Histories in quadrinhos in the school. So Paulo: Paulus, 2004. CROSS, Dandara Palankof. Substance: The history of the quadrinhos in Brazil – part 1-16/09/2008. Available in;. Access in -07/10/2010.