With this we saw that educators contribute for the classification of ' ' greaters mritos' ' in the tests and not in the learning of the pupils. It is in this context that we come back to affirm that to transform the evaluation it implies in transforming practical the pedagogical one as a whole. On this Luckesi it affirms that the social model conservative and its respective pedagogias allow internal renewals to the system, but does not consider and nor allows proposal of its ultraticket, what of certain form it would be against-sense. In this perspective, the elements of the pedagogia conservative intend to guarantee the social system, in its integrity. Then, the relation educator and educating, the execution of the process of education and learning and particularly the evaluation is inserted in this context.
Reflecting on this, it would say that the professor works a unit of study, becomes a verification of the learning, attributes notes or concepts to the results, that in itself must symbolize the value of the learning of the pupil and there it locked up the act to evaluate. The symbol of the value attributed for the professor to the learned one is registered and definitively educating will remain in this situation. In this form the act to evaluate does not serve as a stop to think the practical one and to return it as aid for the pupil, but as classification. With the classificatria function the evaluation consists in a frenador instrument of the growth process. With the disgnostic function of the process to advance in the development of the action, the growth for the autonomy and ability. The educator as subject human being is historical, however judged and classified of the point of view of the effective pertaining to school model, therefore the notations and registers will remain in archives and in the pertaining to school descriptions, therefore are changedded into definite documents.