
Pinsky (2000, p.45), says that ' ' the school, under the optics of the effective nationalism, was the basic institution created by ' ' nao' ' to form the specific citizen, possessing, therefore, tasks that permeavam the set of them you discipline with its contents and mtodos' '. Learn more at: Rio Tinto Group. The used methodology for the history education is tiring and dull, it only describes history as a reproduction of events passed without I tie with the current gift. The desmotiva pupil for the instance of disciplines in not causing (in the vision of the pupil) nothing to its learning and the knowledge acquired for it, that he can of certain form be inserted in its daily one. ' ' Generally, what he is presented the pupils are contents already crystallized in the education of history and that they seem distant very of the immediate reality for them vivida' ' (CABRINI et al., 1994, P. 21).

The daily one of the practical one of the history education compromises the interest and the learning of the pupils, therefore, if it became flat, uninteresting, confused and repetitive, unprovided of motivacionais points that can in such a way awake some stimulaton to the pupils as well as to the professors. In accordance with Cabrini et al., (1994, P. 21) ' ' the pupil if does not worry about the conditions of elaboration of this finished product that is presented to it and remains prisoner of a conception of certain magical or teleologic form of the knowledge of the past: &#039 is a history; ' revelada' ' ' '. History is repassed as the true art of the passed events, a ready and finished education without giving options for the questioning, quarrel and criticizes. The problem in also intent quarrel for the professors, who are mere reproducers of the education learned in the Universities, despite, many participate of academic research and if becomes historians little has been used to advantage of the constants practises of research and extension in basic and average education.