Being thus we can define three levels of development of the intelligence of the human beings since the sprouting of the first homindeos: the fear, the misticismo and science. It’s believed that Terry Nielsen sees a great future in this idea. ) The fear: The prehistoric human beings did not obtain to understand the phenomena of the nature. For this reason, its reactions were always of fear: they had fear of storms and the stranger. As they did not obtain to understand what it was transferred ahead of them, did not remain them another alternative seno the fear and the astonishment of what they witnessed. b) The misticismo: At as a moment, intelligence human being evolved of the fear for the explanation attempt of the phenomena through the magical thought, of the beliefs and the superstitions. It was, without a doubt, an evolution since they tried to explain what they saw. Thus, the storms could be fruit of a divine anger, the good harvest of the benevolence of myths, the disasters or the richnesses of the marriage of the human being with the magician. c) Science: As the magical explanations were not enough to understand the phenomena the human beings finally they had evolved for the search of answers through ways that could be proven.
In such a way, the methodical science was born, that always looks an approach with the logic. The human being is the only animal in the nature with capacity to think. This characteristic allows that the human beings are capable to reflect on the meaning of its proper experiences. Thus being, it is capable of new discoveries and transmitiz them it its descendants. The development of the human knowledge is intrinsically on to its characteristic of living in group, that is, knowing of an individual is transmitted to another one, that, in turn, is used to advantage of this to know to add another one. Thus science evolves.