Only that in this case the great men tried to be overcome the wealth an a others, and major was granted prestige and power to the individual that managed to accumulate and to maintain the greater fortune. During the first years of Capitalism, greater prestige to those was conferred than they were richer but they lived more frugal. More ahead, when their fortunes became safer, the capitalist high class resorted to the conspicuous consumption and wastefulness in great scale to impress its rivals. It is indicated to us in addition, that the word consumption comes from the Latin consum? re that means to spend or to destroy and of the word ismo of the Latin – ismus and this of the Greek -? (- ismos), suffix that formed nouns of action from verbs and that an innovating tendency describes at the moment, especially in the thought and the art. It is possible to emphasize as it mentions the Encyclopedia Wikipedia, that stops much people, the use of this word has a political load necessarily, since, almost always, the one who use the words consumption and excessive consumption makes to criticize what unnecessary consumption in other people considers. A different way to interpret the word " consumismo" it is to consider it like the organization of the economy of a society that, although as is now, it works as much to satisfaction of consumers as of producers, is possible to be said that as a whole it wastes certain resources. An example non-trivial could be the use of the packages and the plastic bags, that contaminate the rivers and reserves of fresh water and soil the suburban cities and regions. The modern method is more comfortable and hygienic for the consumers and increases the income of the retailers, but from the point of view of the operation of the economy as a whole also it wastes a series of resources that before took advantage better.