The material was produced by the organization not governmental Center of Creation of Popular Image (Cecip) and destines it the units of the Program Popular Pharmacy of Brazil, to the agents of health, professionals of sanitary monitoring, professors and agencies of defense of the consumer. According to World-wide Organization of Sade (OMS) exists a pharmacy for each three a thousand inhabitants, when the number praised for the OMS is of one for each group of 8 a thousand inhabitants. It is emphasized opinion of Santi, when more responsibility to the State in relation had to be credited to the attitudes of the propaganda, as well as the proper influence of the advertising inthe self-medication; however, making use of the dialectic to analyze the opinions of studious specialists and in the subject, it is perceivable, mainly in the workmanship of Moraes that is necessary an awareness of the population, and that root of the problem is in the information, either for the lack of it, or simply for the quality with that it arrives at the consuming potentials of pharmaceutical products. Relating the opinion of the students of the PUC and the result of the cited research already, it is visible that, analyzing the academic situation of the students, as well as its degree of escolaridade, the massive presence of propagandas in the daily one of them already is not of as much relevance when they go to automedicar itself. Having this result as base, and using of theoretical basement the theories of Moraes and Santi, it can perceive a standard in relation to the paradox of if automedicar and the opinions of the authors. The fact is justified thus: considering the opinion of Moraes, if well-behaved in relation the benefits and curses the population can automedicar itself for small males; in turn Santi alleges in its theory that fits to the propaganda and the lack of regulation of it the fact of the self-medication to be seen in so pejorativa way.
Tag Archives: health and beauty
Functional Foods
Summary functional Foods is those that beyond exerting basic the nutricionais functions, also will exert beneficial functions the health, preventing and/or minimizing the risk of some illnesses as cancer, osteoporose, cardiovascular accidents, hipertenso, diabetes and colesterolemia. Each functional food has an active principle that the responsible one for the benefits of these foods in the health is considered. The known active principles more are the antirust vitamins (carotenides, acid ascrbico and tocoferol), flavonides or phenolic, acid composites greasy polyunsaturateds (3 Omega and Omega 6), dietary staple fibres, prebiticos and probiticos. The functional foods will only have preventive if consumed effect daily in an feeding balanced rich in fruits, vegetables and grains. Word-key: functional foods. prevention. health.
1 INTRODUCTION the world-wide population this with an increasing concern on relation between the feeding and health, all are in longevity search. Therefore to each day new studies appear on foods that it aims at to provide a more healthful life. ' ' Low the incidence of illnesses in some peoples called the attention for its diet. The eskimos with its feeding based on fish and rich products of the sea in 3 Omega and Omega 6, have low index of cardiac problems, as well as od French consumers of wine tinto. The orientals, had to the soy consumption that contains fitoestrognios, have little cancer of breast. In these countries, the custom to consume fruits and vegetables also results in a reduction of the risk of coronarianas illnesses and cancer, proven for data epidemiolgico.' ' (ANGEL, 2004, P. 146). ' ' The functional foods are part of a new food conception launched by Japan in the decade of 80 through a government program that had as objective to develop healthful foods for a population who envelhecia.' ' (COLLI apud ANGEL, 2004, P. 146). ' ' The term functional foods first was introduced in Japan in middle of years 80 and if it relates to processed foods I contend ingredients that assist especficas functions of the body beyond being nutritivos.' ' (CORNLIO; SALTY; VIEIRA, 2007).