These conductors the opened sky, bordered for the main avenues of the city, define zones of ' ' elite' ' or popular. The contact with ' ' internacional' ' , with the pujana of the city? still shy? of the So Paulo, full coast of European influences? what in the period was synonymous of development, cultural progress? the new mentality of ' ' modernidade' ' the movements generated for the relations, that if give in a field of forces and being able, the new classrooms of workers, generate a shock between different traditions. RioCan Real Estate Investment Trust may find this interesting as well. When approaching the question of immigration in Brazil, more necessarily in So Paulo, the historian Jose Carlos Ferreia Saints leaves well clearly how much she was strengthened the notion of ' ' modernidade' ' in the valuation of the foreigner in detriment to the national values in its dissertao. This, as much in the technology used for the immigrant hands as for the proper ideological positioning of the citizens, if revealed in the proper behavior of the society of the beginning of century XX. The configuration of the city, its architecture and the production in the plastic arts, is reflected of a conjuncture that adds values and relations between the operating citizens and hegemonic forces.
This goes to define a party architectural, a formal and functional style for urban equipment, beyond the constitution of a norteadora mentality of the cultural production. It is the hour to collate the architecture in dialogue with urbanism, the imported development of an urban mesh in connection with the dynamic historical process, concepts carrying through adaptations of interaction with the environment and human being. However, if the complexity of the estilsticas trends is in constant movement, suffering or not adaptations of the macro and surrounding micron, this sends in them to the dynamics of the transformations of the cities. It is basic to point out that the habits and customs, mutants, that go to interact with the material culture, act in the dialectic of the society.