This is valid, thinks that in our city this could be made. We must stimulate the TIC in the school and in the community, this will help in them in the search of an education with social quality. E, the managers, they do not have that to see these TIC as something strange is necessary to apprehend to deal with the new; to promote a debate debate that has taken the participation of all if to insert in the technology of contextualizada form, this would have to well clearly appear in the PPP of the school. The infrastructure is not only enough to restore all, before everything, must motivate and to involve the professor in this process and, also as it says the text, is lamentable that the IES are not preparing the professors well will deal with the TIC. Still well that we see the government having good will in establishing the technology, for example, instigating the multiplying professors, or as in ours in case that, implementing Nuclei of Technologies that make beauties work of sensitization, orientation, joint, I stimulate with the professors who already present changes in the school related with the efetivao of the TIC. We cannot leave to say that the course that we are making, School of Managers is a form to use the TIC and to face this challenge in the education.
I think that we will be able to create a management net, as it mentions the text, so that a space of active and permanent participation of all is opened the ones that are educational party to suit. E, without shades of doubts, the use of the virtual spaces, transparent form, stimulates and enaltece the true democracy. The questions presented here are excellent in relation to the possibilities of changes of the educational scene of the school where I am manager. After this injection of spirit and valuation of the technology, we cannot be other people’s, we have that to elaborate a small farm web for our school, as we saw in the activity, where many schools already have its small farm. Pablo Freire, affirmed that if he must involve the exercise to think of our time, also thinking about the technique and its knowledge and, above all, for who is used, this is basic requirement for a democratic education and to height of the challenges of the time where we live.