After all our next one is what it is why we want or why the society in attributes this univocal relation to them of feeling? Of who we want to run away? We can in them armor through insignia and headings or deturpantes conceptions of practical groups or being that we do not treat to make something so that something concrete is made? Today he is only 13 of May and I had one I try to question the paper that is molded by the society and me exactly, through practical institucional unloaded and taken root, included in a surface each globalizada and individual time at the same time as in them it points Milton Saints. We are walking for an age of huge technological executions and we would not have in forgetting it to them our estranhamento this world, of this imesno Leviat of which we construct and we do not know more as to destroy. The individualism and the barbarity indicate a retrocession pointed for Marx in the Philosophical Economic Manuscripts when it says in them of the historical materialism. We walk for the State of Nature! It does not leave that its instinct has taken you the ways of which pods not to return. The man is a being that if auto intitles sapiente, but, that in the daily one he presents abominable acts, as to arrive at the point to enslave its image and similarity to gain something. He studies and he helps to improve the world and not involua as many scholars!.