Managing Director

See Joker Joker now a download store for electronic books opened. See Joker Joker now a download store for electronic books opened. For this new portal, cooperates the oldest German download portal for electronic books, Joker with Ciando. Joker customers can access directly from now on more than 35,000 electronic title by over 400 publishers. The focus is on counselors and textbooks in the fields of economy, technology, computers, and medicine.

Wolf Nikrandt, Managing Director of Joker: Electronic books encounter growing interest of the reader just in material and reference book; Joker his customers from the outset of this new possibility of convenient shopping want to open up with his new E-book store. We have therefore signed a cooperation with the German distributor of electronic books, has the longest experience in this field, with Ciando. Should be particularly attractive for our customers that many electronic titles be offered cheaper can be considered printed books.” Dr. Werner-Christian Guggemos, head of the Munich-based E-book dealer Ciando, cooperation with Joker is an important step to establish electronic books on the mass market. Because its price-sensitive customers a great opportunity Joker for it.

Especially the numerous property, guides and books are likely to be particularly interesting for the Joker customers.” The new download shop allows it Joker customers, complete books, or only individual chapters quickly and easily from the Internet download to download and read immediately via the PC or a so-called electronic reader. One of the most important benefits is that the electronic titles are readily available. You are always ready for immediate download, the reader must not wait for a delivery by post, nor is it bound on shop opening hours. The electronic books can with the Adobe Reader on Windows and Macintosh computers, or on a PalmOS PDA to read.