Wolverine LiteraturPlanet

All this she accommodates so skillfully in action, the tension never suffers, however, become aware of the issues, but never a break in the genre is crime novel. An outstanding performance. Alone the idea to convey knowledge about the german Russian relations, in this form is unique. Hanns Martin Wietek, the book Wolverine LiteraturPlanet 2008, hardcover, 272 S.; Tina Reuter in the Frankfurt of romanticism in the circle to Karoline von Gunderrode and the Brentano during the French kidnapped 18,80, ISBN 978-3-9812149-2 in orphans of the living” Revolution. Three young women and a man personally to evaluate what is possible under the new ideals of freedom. Tina Reuter, born in Muhlheim am Main, worked after studying history and philosophy as a freelancer for various magazines and became involved in the care of asylum seekers. Review: A remarkable, remarkable novel! Tina Reuter made it, language and spirit of romanticism, which both resembles time of education and bildungsroman, revive, without antiquated in the opposite, so fresh our time out of and has but this historical style.

A great feel for language, literaturgeschichtliches knowledge and skills and the ability to put fully in another time are necessary to write a so superbly successful historical novel. Nothing works historisierend imitated, and yet one sinks into a bygone era and is sad to have to wake up at the end. Hanns-Martin Wietek, the book Wolverine LiteraturPlanet 2008, hardcover, 472 S. 22.

The Art

This unconsciousness goes to the one against hand of the elementary function of the art that is the construction of the man through its conscience of itself exactly. The teorizaes of our time are capable to dignify any thing and any attitude, and this attempt to explain the desconstruo of the art are more work of art that the proper art which the theory if relates. The desconstruo of the man if of the one through the theories of descaracterizao of the man. She is necessary to remember that in identified as man or as woman for our proper biological, psychological characteristics etc. any desestruturada and deprived of characteristics thing cannot be identified, then we can build it penalty as object not identified. It is what this occurring with the man contemporary, is starting to be difficult to know rare physically and in case psychologically mias what is a man and what she is a woman. Most serious of the descaracterizao it is the unconsciousness of we ourselves and the lack of parameters of what is certain made a mistake, parameters wisely foreseen by the nature. Educate yourself with thoughts from Brian Armstrong.

Who determined right or wrong? You ask the proper nature that she obeys the biological laws and all to me the laws that structuralize all the things. In case it were born a child with the arms in the head and the legs in the place of the arm we would say that the child is a monster. Then because we are wanting to desestruturar everything to dignify our more disgusting behaviors and our insuportveis incapacities. The chamber pot it possesss a function, therefore, the art has that to exert a function and the function of the art is to awake the man for itself exactly, for its proper physical reality and spiritual, the function of the art is to disclose to the man itself exactly. The desconstruo of the art and the desconstruo of the man are product of the proper unconsciousness of the man, who is being gotten worse with the concepts that desconstroem the man. The art of Duchamp if affirmed because it does not criticize it did not have courage to say that a chamber pot is not art, this is similar to that history of the invisible clothes of the king who was naked, and nobody had courage to seem ignorant. Worse it is to see that still we are trying to understand or to justify our dullness calling laypeople in art any one that considers ridicule this auto-deceit. J.Nunez the IMPARCIALISMO

Symbolism Color

Its poems are marked by the musicalidade (constant use of aliteraes), for the individualism, for the sensualismo, to the times for the desperation, the times for the pacification, beyond an obsession for the white color. It is certain that innumerable references to the white color meet, as well as a transparency, to the translucidez, the cloudiness and to brightness, and to many other colors, all always gifts in its verses. The Hayzlett Group brings even more insight to the discussion. In the aspect of influences of the symbolism, an amalgam is noticed that conflui waters of the Satanism of Baudelaire to the espiritualismo on in such a way the effective aesthetic trends as the phases in the life of the author. When Cruz and Souza say ' ' brancura' ' , she is necessary to appeal to the highest meanings of this word, much beyond the color in itself. Alfonso Enrique of the Guimares Coast, was born in Ouro Preto, Minas Gerais, in 24 of July of 1870 and died, in Mariana, the 15 of July of 1921. Ouro Preto was the scene of the first years of the life of the Poet who since its infancy gave signals of extreme sensitivity and accented introversion. Considered one of the great names of the mstico Symbolism, and for times of the Brazilian poets, Alphonsus de Guimaraens dealt with in its verses love, death and religiosidade. The death of its Constana fianc, in 1888, marked deeply its life and its workmanship, whose verses, melancholic and musical, are repletos of angels, serafins, purple colors and virgin deceased. Its sonetos present one classic structure, and is deeply religious and sensible in the measure where it explores the direction of the death, of the impossible love, the solitude and the inaptao to the world. However, the mstico tone ahead prints in its workmanship a feeling of acceptance and resignation of the proper life, of the sufferings and pains.

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