FIELDS intent for the necessity of if planning the ecoturstica activity, considering the form more adjusted in order to contribute for the reduction of the ambient impacts. In as the chapter, the author collates the concepts of ecoturismo and sustainable development, analyzing the diverse definitions presented for some authors. All the definitions of presented ecoturismo and sustainable development converge to one same way, that is, the definition and the end of both is closely linked, since they aim at to the use and conservation of the natural resources in order to guarantee the economic development, social, cultural and politician of the current and future populations. In the third chapter, some tourist activities that they use the alternative of the sustainable development are cited. In this direction, the Institute of Sustainable Development Mamirau is had, that has for objectives to promote the sustainable development in joint with the local population and also to conserve and to preserve the Amazonian environment in the region of the Solimes medium and Association of You hiss for the Ambient Preservation and Cultural, whose objective is to recoup and to conserve the supplies of fish that were threatened by fishes commercial. Both the activities demonstrate that with adjusted planning, it is possible to use the environmental resources without agrediz them, serving as strategy of sustainable development. In the last chapter, it detaches that the ecoturismo, currently, became an excellent economic activity.
A time that has direct relation with the sustainable development, therefore exists the interdependence between economic, social, ambient and cultural the sectors. emphasizes the contributions of projects pautados in the support of the society where they act. The authors look for to altercar on the viable instruments in order to obtain so longed for sustainable development. Each one presents a model to be followed and both agree that to have the sustainable development she is necessary to analyze, deeply, social, cultural, economic factors, ambient politicians and.