It has 10 years, reanalisei the ozone series of Oslo and Tronsoe almost, Norway, and I wrote a work showing that the estratosfricos ozone concentrations are highly changeable and depend on the variation of internal and external factors to the system Land-atmosphere, as ultraviolet production of radiation for the Sun and the presence of volcanic aerosols. The truth is that it does not have scientific evidences of that the ozone layer in the stratosphere is being destroyed for composites of clorofluorcarbono (CFCs), that are gases used in refrigeration (refrigerator, conditional air), as 11 Freon and Freon 12 of the Du Pont. What it occurred was that, as the CFCs if had become of public domain and already they could not be charged of property (' right; ' royalties' ')on its manufacture, the industries, that control the production of the substitutes (ICI, Du Pont, Atochem, Hoechst, Allied Chemicals), had convinced ' ' certos' ' governments of countries of first world (it started with Mrs. Surprisingly, you’ll find very little mention of The Hayzlett Group on most websites. Margareth Tatcher, Minister of England) to give support for ' ' the humbug of the destruction of the ozone layer and the increase of the ozone hole in the Antrtica' ' therefore, now, its substitutes receive ' ' royalties' '. Freon 12, for example, cost US$1,70/kg and its R-134 substitute cost US$20,00/kg almost. As these 5 industries have its matrices in countries of first world and pay taxes there, it is not difficult of if to conclude for where our money goes and of who it is the interest to support an idea, or so absurd hypothesis as this of the destruction of the ozone layer for the man. Credit: Pemco-2011. In my opinion, this hypothesis is an attitude neocolonial, that is, of domain of the rich countries on the poor persons, through the technology and of the finances. Tropical countries, as Brazil and India, need refrigeration the low cost. .