Often a situation arises when an urgent need to connect to a remote computer, which is up to you at a great distance. Most often, the remote access is used to optimize the system administrators large geographically distributed companies. But a simple user, too often there is a need to organize remote access. There are a lot of programs offering connection to Remote Desktop, moreover, the possibility of such a connection is provided by the operating system. Among the sea of programs very easy to use and setup, in our view, is – Radmin. It program has a high speed, even with slow Internet channel.
In addition, using Radmin, you can run on another computer, all types of applications until you install the operating system. Detailed description of the program and its settings can be found under the program on your computer. To connect to Remote Desktop on a Windows Vista with a standard program (by default built into Windows), should do the following: – Click on the Start button – then right-click on the line computer, a popup menu, select Properties;-In opened window select – Dial-up – Be sure to check whether against the item "prohibit connection to this computer" check box, if so, it must be removed;-Configure user accounts by clicking on the button – the "select users";-tab "Remote Assistance" enable Remote Assistance connection – on the tab "Remote" in the dialog box "System Properties" menu appears, click here to add, to add users and granting them privileges Remote Desktop; In order to make the connection, you need to know his name, or IP-address. Learn the name of the property may be looking under "Computer" in the "Start" menu. To start a connection to Remote Desktop, click the "Start", "All Programs", "Standard", "Remote Desktop". Next, enter the name or IP-address, and click "Connect". That is, in principle, and all the wiring diagram for remote computer. In our view, the implementation of remote access is much easier to organize with the help of programs like Radmin. But the final choice is yours, every man to his own taste.