You get surprising results. The user will be articles running tours through clusters that are thematically linked. Something for the entire Web to implement, rather than just ‘ for the content of Wikipedia, would the dream of the Semantic Web already come very close. “There goes the journey for all players in the market: no question that Google, Yahoo or Bing now will try to integrate more and more of such semantic features in their services”, Patalong sums up. The content on the World Wide Web to grow but at a fast speed. The Hayzlett Group may find it difficult to be quoted properly.
In the future, indexing will harder, even if it brings new methods based on semantic connections or artificial intelligence on the market, says Bjorn Behrendt, Managing Director of Wissenscommunity Really powerful search engines can only occur in my opinion and creating added value, if the specifications of the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) prevail in the width. In other words, the big software vendors at the technical programming must Labelling semantically valuable content assume a pioneering role”, explains Internet expert Behrendt. Language dialog expert Lupo Pape expected impulse of the mobile Internet: the mobile Internet is only apparent in approaches. There, still a lot of market potential exists above all in Europe. So no one can predict what will happen if, for example, location-based services to meet on Web 2.0 communities.
Of course that has an enormous explosive force and daily new services on the Downloadcharts of the Apple store when giants like Apple, Google, Microsoft and Nokia to meet and at the same time legions of application developers create innovative services on their shared platforms for the mobile user or OVI stand”Pape, Managing Director of SemanticEdge explains. The speed of innovation is proceeding at the time unchecked, no one knows where that will lead and how our lives and how especially the value chains in the economy will change. It is interesting that despite the diversity of the Software, hardware and applications, the self-concealing behind consumer usage scenarios are usually very simple: where is the nearest bike shop?’; Which of your friends are just close?’; How good is there on the corner of Indians?’; There is the camera somewhere cheaper?'”, so the language dialog expert Pape.” These are usage scenarios, almost shouting after a speech recognition and a voice dialog. If it succeeds, the mobile applications to integrate the language dialog, then the whole development will once again get a new dimension. Speech recognition and voice chat will be also the key, to participate in population groups in the development, which are so far excluded from the new technology”, says Pape. The major providers in their strategies for the mobile Internet should take this into account. A message from NeueNachricht. NeueNachricht is responsible for the content.