Las Rozas

And our man recalls how playing his piano. Already he does not doubt that the action of the brain underlies not only to conduct simple and physiological breathing, walking – but also to cognitive and behaviour developed as speak, learn, think and compose or interpret a Symphony. Currently, we have available important development such as investigative techniques of brain function, which allows you to describe in detail the structure and function of the brain; Better understanding of the components and psychological processes involved in cognitive skills such as language, reading, recognition or remembrance, as a result of the development of cognitive psychology; and, finally, the development of computing that has opened up greater possibilities for modeling of cognitive functions. My proposal would be the development of research, which will lead us to the answers and deep knowledge to the with respect to the brain correlates of mental processes: which units (neurons) are linked to the event, how work, how sinaptan, which substances are involved in the transmission of information what emerges from the work of a group of neurons (Organization in networks) how the entire organization contributes to the work of more complex systems that involve system connections, how the operation of these cells in the brain is influenced by the individual’s own previous cognitive experience how factors influence on the Constitution and functions of the brain not sustaining environmental we can think that the neural correlate of mental functions is a simple element or an isolated brain organization aspect. But rather a mental process, as it is the memory, rests in the activity of a complex brain system, consisting of multiple components that should be studied at different levels. The information translated into electrical stimuli is how the brain receives data about your medium, know the way how the hippocampus stores recent information, is a giant step to the neuroinformatica, to learn about the phenomena of wakefulness and sleep, as well as the genesis of the feelings, could lead us to know the essence of the mind. Psychology modules of memory references. UOC.

Vega, Manuel. Introduction to cognitive psychology. Alliance (1984). All chapters relating to memory (structures, processes, mental representations). Baddeley, a. (1998). Human memory. Theory and practice.

Chapter: Understanding the Amnesia. PAGs.348-369 article: Brain: the unstable matrix, Fernando Cardenas Pms-Marisol Lamprea, Departamento de Psicobiologia, University of Sao Paulo. Brazil. Association of Alzheimer’s sufferers, Madrid. Foundation Alzheimer’s Spain. Shands Health Care. US. Vertices psychologists Cabinet of Madrid: C / Caleruega, 88 Cabinet of Las Rozas de Madrid: Ave. Lazarejo 106 Telephones: 91 631 44 93 690 75 85 35 Email: all rights reserved original author and source of the article.