This is an interesting book compilation of all that which most of us know but that ended up not putting into practice by laziness, mistrust and sometimes even by ignorance. Surely if you are so interested in the ecology and lead a life sound like to buy the book, you will already know and you’ll be carried out half of the things that are written in the book. Interesting thing then is the other half and new ideas arriving I head to read the book.I think that it’s a book that should be read throughout the world, as it somehow should be compulsory reading in schools and institutes. Margaret Fenwick says by paragraphs as things stand today in the world, which can be the solution to the problems and how can do us from individualism to gradually put end to those problems. Furthermore it helps to create awareness on many values that are being lost in this era of the capitalismo-consumismo where anything goes and the more cheap best. Of excessively briefly comes to make us aware that we must inform us, think and read labels before buying a product. We really need everything that we buy and everything that we throw away is useless? In addition to the information written in each chapter of the book, I think that is very interesting and useful glossary that comes at the end of the book which also clarify some concepts about recycling, offers us a series of interesting address on this subject.