Full measure. hinders in them to nail heathen to the words of the salvation, in order always to full the measure of its sins; but the anger of God fell on them until the o end. 1 Tessalonicenses 2:16 Games of video game with demonstrative of measures of bond lost profits and. Before starting this message I want to detach the video games game that demonstrate to the consuming of the player when making a mistake the intention of the game, I want either of a fight game or another type of game. a graph demonstrates when it is with little possibility or its possibilities increase when and successful. In our life also it is thus the more we live of good form or bad a measure is controlled for God is verified in its oniscincia that is its to know total of all the things that the time of our life knows accurately.
Also I notice that the life with prudence of the part of the human being provides many releases to it that give to greater life time to it. That is, since the cares with the health until other things of this life. I also recognize that this is not guarantee to say that is safe and nothing it can we to affect, therefore exactly to the times being made all certain with prudence can be victims of a fatality or of an unexpected thing, I go there to exactly emphasize that security only with God and being part of its plans for the Eternity, even so that he is in this plan me of the right o not to leave to watch to have prudence and caution in my way of living. Concluo then in the following way the more I spend my life, my energies in good or bad workmanships this will determine as it will be the harvest in the area flesh time or spiritual.