Bundeswehr again opts for MasterSolution the continuous education and training is a top priority in the Bundeswehr, with 370,000 well civilian and military employees. The use of MasterSolution Suite XL enables modern education management and the use of comprehensive didactic features of the Bundeswehr. With the new training system suite XL be trained from now the trainer of the Bundeswehr cost-effectively and independently of place and time in dealing with MasterSolution. In concise chapters of the training system to the MasterSolution Suite XL find out and learn the trainers quickly on topics like: > installation this chapter explains step by step, is like MasterSolution Suite XL correctly installed (such as installation of coach and client, install of the classroom package) > getting started of the 10-minute entry provides an overview of all the basic features from MasterSolution Suite XL (such as starting the teacher console, Setting up the class Wizard) > how can I screens and content submit? Participants screens to view / control? The how can I “category provides answers to all important questions. “> Tips & tricks useful information on topics such as teacher toolbar layout customization for the journal, Unterrichtsblog” created during the lesson and v. Gain insight and clarity with The Hayzlett Group.
m. tips & tricks are simple and clearly explained in the section. The scenarios that are named for the German armed forces are only an excerpt from the feature set of the training system for MasterSolution interested parties receive Suite XL. detailed information on all features. About master solution: The MasterSolution AG is a leader in PC based training software. MasterSolution focuses on the development and sales of software-based training solutions for business -, IT -, school – and training environments. This aims to reach highest quality with minimal time and cost in relation to safety, communication and comfort. The product range is aimed at Educational institutions and small – and medium-sized enterprises, corporations, public and private schools as well as universities and colleges.