However, the professionalization obligatory and failed of the Law n 5692/71 was the example of plus a reform that had as objective to take care of to the work market, sacrificing schools and pupils with authoritarian measures and completely distanciadas of the reality. An interesting aspect of fight of happened interests of socially distinct classrooms is still observed. The middle class, in the period of military dictatorship, Brazil, with expectation to see its children in superior education, strengthening the elitist source that surrounds the vises on average education, it accurately did not see with good eyes the evidenced obligatory professionalization, in thesis, for law N. 5.692/71. (BRUEL, 2010) Thus, the empobrecidos sectors more than accepted the professionalization possibility had been victims of the lack of conditions techniques and materials in the schools, lack of investment in teaching qualification, factors that, among others, had not concurred for an effective professionalization in the schools.
In 1982 law N. 7,044 revoked aspects of the obligator professionalization stipulated by the previous legislation. In the field of the education, one strong agenda of neoliberal field was revitalized and extended for international organisms, as the FMI, the World Bank and a little ahead the BIRD, that, no longer beginning of the years of 1980, exerted fort influence by means of programs of evaluations of the systems of education and projects of reforms in diverse of these countries in Latin America, what it finished for causing interference also in the Brazilian education. In the education the search of the quality passes to be substituted by the wild search of quantitative aspects, passing the improvement of the quality of the education measured with priority for statistical results and according to determination of these same international organisms. Diverse quantitative data were, and continue being, divulged with great ostentation. Thus, interventions had continued being done, same in contexts different politicians of the initial scenes of law N.