The Democratic State of Right foresees the rights of the citizen to the life, the health, the education, the housing, the civil laws thanks to the promulgation of the Constitution of 1988. All Person Human being must perceive itself important and to have conscience of its participation in the fights social politics and in a Democratic State of Right, so that it has a constant evolution and perfectioning of the politics of the government for the people. The exercise of the citizenship is the form most appropriate of the formed opinion of democracy and Rule of law. It is through it that the individual if acquires knowledge and forms its position regarding the certain missed in one determined society. It can mention here the collective conscience that to the formation of the public opinion result of the complete or incomplete appreciation of determined fact or idea of the condition human being. This conscience understands the chances placed to the reach of the collectives. The citizenship in the Democratic State of Right, acquires knowledge the individual of its participation in society organizes, with the objective to search the interests collective, aiming at the common good, that is, a state of Good? To be social for all the citizens. This set of attributes of the citizens who compose one State or a society organized through rights and duties is a huge conquest, therefore it considers the Democratic State of Right structuralized for public agents who represent the laws through the participation of the citizen for way its direct or indirect performance in the choice of its representatives and governing them of the nation, government and society where they are inserted. It is understood with this study that the exercise of the citizenship is supreme and indissocivel fact of the Person Human being and basic factor for the functioning of the State and the application of the constant laws in the Constitution of the Brazilian republic.