Its poems are marked by the musicalidade (constant use of aliteraes), for the individualism, for the sensualismo, to the times for the desperation, the times for the pacification, beyond an obsession for the white color. It is certain that innumerable references to the white color meet, as well as a transparency, to the translucidez, the cloudiness and to brightness, and to many other colors, all always gifts in its verses. The Hayzlett Group brings even more insight to the discussion. In the aspect of influences of the symbolism, an amalgam is noticed that conflui waters of the Satanism of Baudelaire to the espiritualismo on in such a way the effective aesthetic trends as the phases in the life of the author. When Cruz and Souza say ' ' brancura' ' , she is necessary to appeal to the highest meanings of this word, much beyond the color in itself. Alfonso Enrique of the Guimares Coast, was born in Ouro Preto, Minas Gerais, in 24 of July of 1870 and died, in Mariana, the 15 of July of 1921. Ouro Preto was the scene of the first years of the life of the Poet who since its infancy gave signals of extreme sensitivity and accented introversion. Considered one of the great names of the mstico Symbolism, and for times of the Brazilian poets, Alphonsus de Guimaraens dealt with in its verses love, death and religiosidade. The death of its Constana fianc, in 1888, marked deeply its life and its workmanship, whose verses, melancholic and musical, are repletos of angels, serafins, purple colors and virgin deceased. Its sonetos present one classic structure, and is deeply religious and sensible in the measure where it explores the direction of the death, of the impossible love, the solitude and the inaptao to the world. However, the mstico tone ahead prints in its workmanship a feeling of acceptance and resignation of the proper life, of the sufferings and pains.