Delete Schufa entries of minor debts a Schufa entry can occur faster, than you want and this again as quickly as possible to get rid of, different possibilities offered. A rapid and simplified deletion of a negative Schufa entry is not always possible, however works usually for liabilities up to 1000 euro, a hassle-free cancellation, if you react early enough. I also belong to the representative candidates Unit received a negative Schufa entry due to an open invoice of a TV, because the payment was made too late. After my old television overnight had given up his spirit and media communication, as well as world events appeared to me as important, produced a new TV should as soon as possible. The next day, I went into an electrical trade and opted for a TV worth 879 euros, payable in easy installments. The first instalment should be carried out only after 2 months and I found this offer more than just worthwhile. It came, as it had to happen, I enjoyed myself on the new TV and forgot the first installment after 2 months to pay. Just in time, then also reminders in this respect reached me, I work on the road was three months and therefore could not respond.
When I got home, almost the shock hit me, because in addition to several reminders probably already the bailiff had visited me. I tried immediately to clarify the whole thing, telephoned, wrote letters and reached an agreement and fully paid the outstanding Bill in an amount. Even if this actually was contrary to my plans, but I wanted to have done as quickly as possible the thing. Through a friend, I then, that despite such settlements, often an Schufa entry occurs and this learned in a negative sense. I took me a self-assessment at the Schufa and had to admit that my friend was fully in the law. I was in there – TV and the contract with the dealer were the cause. Me was because I had offset the total now and the thing was done, to be keen, soon rid of this entry.
My friend advised me to file an opposition with the Schufa, of course in writing and inform also the believer about it. The Schufa, sets an entry which involves up to 1000 Euro liabilities, the entry once on ice. He is invisible until the complete clarification. To the entry are going to be, must the Schufa to be written, sent to any existing documents and asked for deletion of the data. At the same time is also a write to the creditor to withdraw the entry with the prompt. Is also in such cases on any court judgments, as well as further steps, if no response is made by the creditor. So I went in and actually had success! My Schufa entry was once on ice, no third party could learn from this, because he was not visible, and after a few weeks, this was cleared completely. Also you have the possibility of using such a process your negative Schufa entry to delete if the binding nature of which amounts up to a height of 1000 euros. It is important that you respond immediately and not after 2 years on the idea are now submit an objection, because this buys none of you and a deletion will be very difficult. Try it, you’ll see it works and you get a gleaming white Schufa soon.