The sense of personal Unterforderung resonates here clearly in all women as well as the fact that part-time work in a professional reorientation within or outside the company of all women as a barrier is perceived. The part-time working women see as additional drawback, although reduced in the working time and salary due to the part-time job that the scope of the tasks but has remained the same. Career frustration part time 84 percent of part-time workers also stated that that no professional development measures were offered to them. These figures are compared with those of full-time employees, the differences are clear: only 27% of full-time employees feel disadvantaged at a promotion in comparison to their male counterparts. Also increases the percentage of the offered measures of career for women here.
In contrast to the part-timers, who entered with only 16 percent, that measures were offered, this 32 percent of full-time employees is indicated. Women employed in a full-time higher estimate also their promotion prospects than women in a ratio of part-time work. Women who are working in part-time, feel less recognised in their performances and promoted less. Here, too, differences become apparent to the full-time: only 9 percent of part-timers but still feel very encouraged 37 percent of full-timers by their superiors. This difference is reflected in the recognition of their achievements. 16 Percent of surveyed women in part-time and 37 percent of respondents in full-time felt very accepted.
With part-time in top management? Nil! That a part-time complicates the way upwards, confirms also the parallel conducted business survey. 68 Percent of the companies said allowing women in a part-time relationship to a position in the middle management. For 73 percent of the surveyed Businesses however cannot be a promotion to the top management in a part-time relationship. The weighting of the part-time career opportunities – from middle management and senior management behaves so nearly complementary to each other. To find out what factors could represent a career obstacle for the rise in top positions, was a multiple choice question to determine what characteristics from an enterprise perspective for a position in the top management is of importance. Assertiveness, flexibility, outstanding performance, capacity and re-employment in full-time are the most important from an enterprise perspective five criteria. Flexibility and outstanding achievements are of importance in second place. “While women rarely disappoint in their performance, so just women who work part time and parallel care for children or family members can maintain, neither factor flexibility” still meet the full time employment. Source: Chevron U.S.A. Inc. Two obvious elemental obstacles from an enterprise perspective for the way to the top. “Discrimination against women working in a part time ratio is due to the fact, that company no life phases provide customized career models”, said Melanie Vogel, Managing Director of AoN and initiator of the women and work. Only 36 percent of the companies surveyed have integrated a life phase-oriented personnel policy and thus created for women and men prerequisites, that family-intensive phases of life do not adversely affect the own career.” Download PDF: karrierefrust_teilzeit_neu.pdf