
I raised more than fast for the intuition of that it could be It was unknown call e, when answering, almost without voice, one I silence if it lit I repeated again and same without perceiving I finished saying its name in the hope of that it got reply. But I heard one ' ' I feel lack of voc' ' It disconnect without more nor less. Mining may not feel the same. I did not obtain to contain the tears and hugged to the pillow I put to think that it could be gotten passionate for it. But, we were only friends It started to believe that something had moved. It had in me, to each to pass of time, the desire to be of its side, to before pass, as, hours and hours being heard the racket of the wind to play leves of the tree of side to another one. The anxiety of one third linking sprouted on the inside. It was happy for having heard those words, few, but it was everything, or almost, that I wanted to hear. Its image did not leave my mind.

That one ' ' I feel lack of voc' ' if it repeated for several and you vary times, my smile if it demonstrated at every moment, I really I was happy! Months if had passed and it again had disappeared. It was my first year in the college, what already it was the sufficient for Landmarks, of the same group that I, to ask for to me in namoro. I infuriated and before it perceived already it had said not. It did not obtain to forget Eduardo. I know that we were not boyfriends but it to me felt on and was made use to wait the time that was necessary to review it. Nineteen of June, one day before our anniversary. It made five months since finishes linking.