With passing of the time, some schools, perceiving the potential of this tool had introduced the Educative Computer science, that, beyond promoting the contact with the computer, had as the main objective the use of this tool as instrument of support to the substances and the lecionados contents. However this support continued tied with one it disciplines of Computer science, that had the function to offer the necessary resources so that the pupils presented the content of others discipline. The main objective of the use of the computer in the school is to promote a change of the educational paradigm, and this paradigm promotes the learning on the contrary of education, where the pupil is main the responsible one for its process of learning and assists the professor to understand that the education is not only the knowledge transference, but a process of construction of the knowledge for the pupil, where the professor if becomes the facilitador of the learning. (PREMEN/MEC 1982). We live in a technological world, where Computer science is one of the main parts. To conceive Computer science as only one tool is to ignore its performance in our lives. what it is perceived! Which is perceived that the majority of the schools ignores this technological trend, of is part; instead of taking Computer science for all the school, places it circumscribed in a room, canine tooth in a hourly fixture under the responsibility of an only professor. Thus limiting, all the process of development of the school as a whole and loses the chance to fortify the pedagogical process. Through computer science, carrying children of deficiencies physical, mental and sensorial have the chance to develop its abilities, to speed up its process of more independent alfabetizao and if to become each time (MAGELA, 2008) Computer science and learning JONASSEN (1996) classifies the learning in: To learn from the technology (learning from), where the technology presents the knowledge, and the paper of the pupil is to receive this knowledge, as if it was presented by the proper professor.